Samantha on film, abandoned building in Beacon
The most beautiful part of New York state are the soft peaks of the Adirondacks mountains, all the way in the northern part of the state. This region is stunning any time of the year!
Keene Valley, film
Northern California
Big Sur sunrise
Idaho Wilderness
The Sawtooth wilderness area is one of my favorite places in the world. here are some images from a recent trip to Stanley Idaho and the area.
the town of Stanley, Idaho
foggy morning above Stanley, Idaho
foggy morning above Stanley, Idaho
Redfish Lake, Sawtooth Wilderness
mountain streams everywhere
Serene landscapes of California
Big Sur
Marin County
Big Sur
Napali coastline
Polihale beach, medium format film
Flower stand
Gdansk Shipyard
Nida River
Hel Peninsula on the Baltic Sea
Frank Llyod Wright's Fallingwater / Western Pennsylvania
Western Pennsylvania is one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited.